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A selection of items proposed by Zanaria Filatelici, to be purchased directly on line
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1051 - 1080  of 1149 LOTS
COD. 315

ITALIA REGNO 1890 - Italian Ki..., 1890

1890 - Italian Kindom: 20c on brown 30c. Good centering (Sassone 57 - €600)
Net Price
EUR 120,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 192

NAPOLI 1858 - 05b: 2gr lilla rosa, I tavola, coppia orizzontale "ANNULLATO"

1858 - Naples: 2gr lilac pink, I plate, horizontal pair, boxed cancellation. Fine/Very fine. Diena certificate [..]
Net Price
EUR 350,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 306

FRANCIA 1932 - France: rose li..., 1926

1932 - France: rose lilac 75c, Semeuse II typo, on acknowledgement of receipt from "MACON 12 32" to Branges. Very [..]
Net Price
EUR 225,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 229

SARDEGNA 1855 - 15b: 20c cobalto scuro su lettera per Carignano

1855 - Sardinia: 20c. dark cobalt, 1855 printing on letter from "Torino 20 marz 1857" to Carignano. Fine. (cat. [..]
Net Price
EUR 190,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 300

TOSCANA 1860 - Tuscany, Provis..., 1860

1860 - Tuscany, Provisional Government: yellowish green 5c, pair insufficiently franking a pink letter from "LASTRA [..]
Net Price
EUR 800,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 238

ITALIA REGNO 1890 - Italian Ki...

1890 - Italian Kingdom: 2c. on 75c. green marginal strip of four with vertical typographic line from "Verona 11 [..]
Net Price
EUR 370,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 84

FRANCIA 1852 - 14: 20c celeste ST4 su lettera da 'PARIS 11 JAN 61' a Rochefort

1852 - France: Napoleon unperforated blue 20c, strip of four with exceptionally large margins and part of the [..]
Net Price
EUR 400,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 82

LOMBARDO VENETO ANNULLI 1858 - 25+pt.10: 5s rosso da Adro (BS) per Orzinuovi

1858 - Lombardo Veneto: 5s rosso, I tipo da 'ADRO 10/4' (CO - BS) per Orzinuovi. Molto bella, CF Sorani (Sassone [..]
Net Price
EUR 490,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 292

GRAN BRETAGNA 1865 - Great Bri..., 1856

1865 - Great Britain: 1847 pale green 1s and carmine 4p, medium Garter watermark, cenceled numeral "22" on cover [..]
Net Price
EUR 850,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 350

PONTIFICIO 1868 - Papal States...

1868 - Papal States: violet 20c from "ROMA 18 NOV 70" to Viterbo, canceled with italian dumb postmark. Interesting [..]
Net Price
EUR 690,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 291

GRAN BRETAGNA 1862 - Great Bri..., 1862

1862 - Great Britain, pale red 4p, marginal vertical pair with "3" plate number in cirlce on the margin, canceled [..]
Net Price
EUR 2.400,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 289

MODENA 1855 - Modena: newspape..., 1855

1855 - Modena: newspaper postage dues, grey-violet 9c, complete sheet of 240 unhinged. Foglio piegato in Sheet [..]
Net Price
EUR 650,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 186

TOSCANA 1860 - 21: 40c carminio annullato

1860 - Tuscany 40c. carmine canceled. Fine (Sassone 21 - € 650)
Net Price
EUR 100,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 287

SARDEGNA 1863 - Sardinia: bist..., 1862

1863 - Sardinia: bistre 10c from "CANOBBIO 21 AGO 63" to Magadino (Switzerland), reduced rate for neighbouring [..]
Net Price
EUR 350,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 223

SARDEGNA 1858 - Sardinia: 40c...., 1858

1858 - Sardinia: 40c. brown, I plate, 1858 printing and 40c dark orange red 1857 printing (cat Sassone n.14a;16Ac) [..]
Net Price
EUR 890,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 219

SARDEGNA 1861 - Sardinia: 20c...., 1861

1861 - Sardinia: 20c. dark green cobalt, 1861 printing on letter from "Milano 29 apr 1861" to Mantova, taxed "5" [..]
Net Price
EUR 750,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 213

NAPOLI 1858 - Naples: forgery ..., 1858

1858 - Naples: forgery 20gr. brown pink, VI type, boxed cancellation. Extremely fine (Sassone F13a - € 500)
Net Price
EUR 180,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 212

NAPOLI 1858 - Naples: Forgery ..., 1858

1858 - Naples: Forgery 20gr. carmine VI type boxed cancellation. Superb. Diena and Bolaffi certificates (Sassone [..]
Net Price
EUR 170,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 209

NAPOLI 1860 - Naples: Forgery ..., 1860

1860 - Naples: Forgery 10gr. lilac carmine, V type, boxed cancellation. Extremely fine. Bolaffi certificate (Sassone [..]
Net Price
EUR 150,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 61

AUSTRIA 1850 - 05: 9kr su frammento annullato "CATTARO 17NOV"

1850 - Austria: 9 Kreuzer azzurro chiaro III tipo, carta a mano, "grande distanza" tra "9" e "K" (1,2mm), su frammento [..]
Net Price
EUR 880,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 182

UFFICI POSTALI ALL'ESTERO 1865 - Regno 20+22+25 on fragment from Alessandria d'Egitto

1865 - Italian Post Offices abroad: 40c carmine pink two copies 2l light red, 20c su 15c light blue on piece from [..]
Net Price
EUR 600,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 91

LOMBARDO VENETO 1856 - 21: 30c bruno striscia di tre "ASOLA 23-11"

1856 - Lombardy Venetia: brown 30c, II type machine paper, strip of three "ASOLA 23-11". Superb (Sassone 21 - [..]
Net Price
EUR 130,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 89

LOMBARDO VENETO 1856 - 22+pt.6: 45c azzurro striscia di tre 'LOREO 19-05' su frammento

1856 - Lombardy Venetia: light blue 45c. azzurro, III type, machine paper, strip of three 'LOREO 19-05' (CO - [..]
Net Price
EUR 480,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 309

LOMBARDO VENETO ANNULLI 1858 - 25+pt.R1: 5s rosso, I tipo, "FINO 15/2" (C3 - CO)

1858 - Lombardy Venetia: red 5s, I type, "FINO 15/2" (C3 - CO). Very rare and extremely fine, Bach and Sorani [..]
Net Price
EUR 700,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 310

LOMBARDO VENETO 1864 - 44+45: 10s azzurro, coppia, e 15s bruno, 2 esemplari, da "VENEZIA 5/11" 1864 a Montpellier

1864 - Lombardy Venetia: V issue light blue 10s, pair, brown 15s, 2 copies, from "VENEZIA 5/11" 1864 to Montpellier, [..]
Net Price
EUR 790,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 299


1870 - Francia Ballon Mont้: blue 20c "Siege" canceled star on small rose letter with text (71x56mm) from "PARIS [..]
Net Price
EUR 350,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 295

PONTIFICIO 1867 - 19: II emissione, 20c giallo non dentellato BdF sinistro

1867 - Papal States: II issue, yellow 20c giallo non perforated,marginal copy, MNH. Very fine (Sassone 19 - € [..]
Net Price
EUR 130,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 294

PONTIFICIO 1867 - 15: II emissione, 3c grigio non dentellato

1867 - Papal States: II issue, grey 3c non perforated. Very fine (Sassone 15 - € 3.000)
Net Price
EUR 480,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 288

FRANCIA 1875 - 38+56: interessante mista da "BORDEAUX 5 JUIL 75" a Valparaiso, Cile, dove furono applicati due esemplari del 10c azzurro scuro annullati con timbro muto

1875 - France: orange 40c and brown 30c, two copies, perforated Ceres issue cancelled GC "6307" on front of cover [..]
Net Price
EUR 1.000,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
COD. 100

FRANCIA 1870 - 44B: 20c blu scuro, emissione Bordeaux, I tipo, annullato GC "2310" da "MENDE - 14 DEC 70" per Alais

1870 - Francia: 20c blu scuro, emissione Bordeaux, I tipo, annullato GC "2310" da "MENDE - 14 DEC 70" per Alais. [..]
Net Price
EUR 750,00
Detail Lot Buy Now
1051 - 1080  of 1149 LOTS